Otago Witness 20th May 1908
An interesting find was made a few days ago by Mr T. E. Hughes
of Woodhill, Kaipara. While he was walking over the sandhills a few miles
below Helensville he discovered the perfect skeleton of moa. The skeleton
had evidently been buried in the sand for centuries and the recent winds from
the North had removed the covering sand and exposed the bones. When
discovered it was perfect, but on attempting remove it most of the smaller bones
crumbled to dust. The large bones of the legs and part of the back were
sufficiently sound to permit the removal to Mr Hughes's home where they now lie.
This discovery is interesting from the fact that previously no traces of the moa
had been found in this district.
Evening Post 25 January 1911
AUCKLAND, this Day.
Campers on the Dargaville Coast were interested last week in
finding a stranded porpoise 8ft long in proximity to their camp. It had
evidently been engaged in warfare with a shark, as a large cavity existed in its
back. It is not unusual for porpoises to become stranded on the fifty-mile
stretch of beach from Kaipara Heads to Maurganui Bluff, and the resident natives
are quick to seize upon the blubber. Twenty five years ago stranded whales
were not unusual, but these marine monsters seem to have altered their route of
travel. Sharks are reported to be unusually plentiful, and coasting
masters report that very large ones are frequently seen.