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Weekly News 24 December 1881
A meeting of ratepayers was held in the school-house Tanoa, on
Monday December 12th, at noon to consider the advisability of closing the roads
in the Batley township. In the absence of the chairman of the County
Council, Mr E. Browne, councillor for Albert riding, was appointed chairman.
he read the notice convening the meeting, and the portion of the Public Works
Act bearing on the question before the meeting, and also the correspondence
relative to the proposed stoppage. Captain Colbeck explained that there
was very much misapprehension as to what was intended to be done. What was
asked for would not interfere with any private vested interests, as none of the
roads led anywhere. His private land bounded the township on three sides,
and there was no road going beyond the bounds of the township. He himself
had laid out the roads, and dedicated them, expecting to have a township there.
This had most signally failed, and he wished now to utilise the land otherwise,
and he could only do this advantageously by stopping the roads. Respecting the
main road to Maungaturoto, he had been taking steps to have it laid out
properly. The stoppage of the present roads would not interfere with it.
He proposed that the roads in the Batley township, as shown in the plan before
the meeting, be closed. This was seconded by Mr Linton, and passed without
dissent. It appears that Captain Colbeck, like some others, made a mistake
in attempting to establish a township as yet. He had the advantage of a
most favourable position - in fact, a most advantageous position - backed up by
a large block of very fertile land, capable of carrying a large population, and
without doubt it will in a few years be one of the most valuable
properties north of Auckland, but intersected as every part is by fine tidal
rivers, it is doubtful if a town will be established so readily as would
otherwise be the case, although Batley is a fine position in every respect. -
(Own Correspondent, December 14.)